MTG's Cabling and Wiring Professionals
We connect your business, so you can connect to your customers.
At MTG, we understand how important a properly planned and executed cabling infrastructure is to your business. Our knowledgeable and trustworthy cabling technicians are recognized in the Mid-Atlantic area for providing thorough wiring and cabling expertise. Our technicians are versed in industry best practices and have been called upon by Comcast, Verizon, Univision, Philadelphia School District, AC School District and many more organization to repeatedly meet their cabling needs for Data, VoIP, Audio Visual, CCTV and Wireless.
Properly Wired Infrastructure
MTG's technicians can provide you with a concise IT road map.
Your computing infrastructure is an essential cog of your business, chances are you require a comprehensive strategy about how to make your IT work best for you. Our technicians can present solutions that will keep your computing infrastructure organized and your costs low. MTG's wire and cable management services can improve your bottom-line profitability by saving you time and money.
MTG's Cabling Services for business and education
All cabling is managed by a BICSI certified technician and Fluke Certified for Guaranteed performance and Lifetime Warranty on workmanship. MTG's skilled cabling technicians have been wiring the MidAtlantic region for over 25 years. Wiring a large portion of the Schools and Businesses in the area, MTG specialize in wiring older buildings. Additionally, MTG's Wireless team works very closely with developing heat-maps and proper placement of WAP's (Wireless Access Points).
For more information about our cabling and wiring services as a part of our affordable monthly managed services offering, call 215-247-8324.